This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Modern Past
Modern Past
Characters: Arthur, the Witch, Pintea, Melusine, André (rapper, Arthur in the present), Terry (modern witch), Melisa, Paullo
Time: from the past into the present…
Place: in a bus / on the street
Objects: a bus, calendar 2010, a small bag with money
Arthur: collants, belt, boots, wig, armour, tunic, pants.
The witch/Terry: black hat, black dress, black gloves, shoes.
Pintea: peasant white trousers, tunic, gun, belt.
Melusine: yellow corset, green tail, necklace.
André: loose trousers, trainers and t-shirt.
Melisa: modern yellow corset, green/blue skirt lady, blue dress, shoes.
Paullo: jeans, shoes, hat, t-shirt, jacket.
SCENE 1: By a mistake of the witch, the characters landed in our time, in a bus.
Pintea: What is this beast who eats people??? (amazed and scared)
Arthur: Let's kill it!!! (angry)
Melusine: I think I will throw up! ...Bleaoachh... (sick)
The witch: I ... quit my witch license ...Ahhhhhhh! (angry)
Arthur: You are responsible for all this!!!! I will have you beheaded! (furious)
Witch: You, idiot, I can transform you into a skeleton if I want to...(disgusted)
Arthur: Sorry...( almost crying)
Pintea: Let's get out of this beast!
Melusine: Yes, it's a good idea ....
SCENE 2: They get off the bus, on the street and they see blocks of flats.
Witch: Look!!!!....(amazed)
Melusine: What could be there?...(amazed)
Arthur: Where are we?
Pintea: I don't know...???
Melusine: Fair lady...y ...(amazed) you look very familiar, have we met before?
Melisa: No!!! Why?
Melusine: Doesn't matter...could you tell us where is the way to the castle?
Melisa: What castle?
Melusine: Camelot!!!
Arthur: My castle!!! (arrogant)
Melisa: Are you kidding? Camelot was destroyed more than 600 years ago!!! (surprised)
Arthur: What did you say? I will cut your tongue!!!! (furious)
Melisa: Sorry?... Mr...if you don't want to have trouble with the police, then leave now!!!!!
Pintea: Let's go find the castle! This woman is crazy!
Witch: Look at this calendar...it says year 2010!( surprised)
Pintea: What?! 2010... I can't believe it...(amazed)
Arthur: You, stupid witch! You brought us into the future!! I swear on God I will handle you when we get home! (very frustrated)
Melusine: I'm hungry...(sick)
Pintea: Oh...shut up...!!! (bothered)
Arthur: This is a disgrace... where is my horse, nobody bows to salute me!!
Witch: You cry baby….instead of complaining, you could help me gather some ingredients for a potion that could send us back to our time. (bothered)
Arthur: I am a king, not a servant ...ask Pintea! (arrogant)
Witch: For the potion, we need: a rat's tail, a chicken head, a lizard's eye, king's spit.... and (putting up a funny face) a lawyer!
Arthur: Oh...berk...( disgusted)
Pintea: What? A law... what?( surprised)
Witch: Just kidding. Now ..(serious)
Melusine: And how on earth, do we find this ingredients? (bothered)
Witch: By asking people, going from house to house, I don't know! You are the ones who want to return home, aren't you?
All: ...Yes! (bored)
Arthur meets André, a rapper.
Arthur: Good day dear peasant, I came tooo...What is this witchery?
André: Are you crazy, man? What's up? Is this the hidden camera? Buzz of dude...before I get my gun! (bothered)
Arthur: How dare you? Offence me? Don't you know who I am?
André: Yes, a retard most likely! (bored)
Arthur: Yes!... I mean, no, no! Doesn't matter! Good day! (angry)
André: Freak! (bothered)
Pintea meets Paullo, a Spanish.
Pintea: Hey you!!!
Paullo: Who, me?
Pintea: Yes ... you! Wait!
Paullo: What's the problem señor? (curious)
Pintea: Do you have a chicken head?
Paullo: A what???
Pintea: A chicken head!!!
Paullo: What for señor?? (curious)
Pintea: For a magic potion.
Paullo: Go to the fast food, I think they have there some chicken heads!
Pintea: But, what is a fast food? (surprised)
Paullo: It's a place where you can eat.
Pintea: Oh...Thanks. Here... he gives the young man a small bag with gold (very grateful)
Paullo: Gracias, señor, gracias...
The witch meets Terry, the modern witch.
Witch: Good day, beautiful.... oh... my God, you are hideous...(shocked)
Terry: What, me, ugly? Look at you!!!
Witch: Do you have a lizard's eye?
Terry: Yes...I think I have one in the kitchen...
Witch: Oh... That's so good...
Terry: Have we met before? (curious)
Witch: I think so....
Terry: Here, take it. But what do you need the eye for?
Witch: A potion.
Terry: Good luck!
Witch: Thank you, have a good day!
Witch to the others: So... have you gathered the ingredients?
The others: Yes! (excited)
Witch: Very good!!!...Now, let's see. Rat's tail, chicken head, lizard's eye, and... Arthur ...What are you waiting for?
Arthur: Do I have to ? (almost crying)
Witch: Yes. Spit!
Arthur: Hoo puhh !
Witch: That's good, and now
All the stakes be now or not
We go back to Camelot!
And so, they returned back to their time and they lived long, if they didn't die of hunger....
Autori: Catrinel, Catalin, Fatou, Georgiana, Vally
Personaje: tânărul, vrăjitoarea, omul-şoarece, zâna, Merlin
Timp: în trecut
Loc: în pădure
Obiecte: 2 sticluţe
Tânărul: tunică neagră, pantaloni negri
Vrăjitoarea: pălărie de vrăjitoare; rochie lungă, neagră; pantofi negri
Omul-şoarece: urechi de şoarece, mustăţi, costum de şoarece
Zâna: aripi, rochie roz, baghetă magică
Merlin: pălărie de vrăjitor, haină neagră, baghetă magică
Vrăjitoarea (vorbind cu un tânăr chipeş): Te voi transforma într-un şoarece dacă nu-mi vei da dragostea ta !
Tânărul: Domniţa mea, nu pot să-ţi ofer dragostea mea! Inima mea aparţine reginei Guinevere!
Vrăjitoarea: Atunci, fi şoarece! (vrăjitoarea îl tranformă pe tânăr în şoarece)
Şoarecele rătăceşte prin pădure, căutând pe cineva care să-l ajute. O întâlneşte pe Zâna cea bună.
Zâna cea bună: Ahh, ce creatură drăguţă! ... Îl voi duce acasă să se joace copiii mei cu el !
Omul-şoarece: Oh.... Zână bună, nu sunt şoarece. Sunt un biet tânăr care a refuzat să o iubească pe vrăjitoare, iar ea m-a transformat în această creatură neajutorată. Te rog ajută-mă ! Sunt disperat ! (aproape plângând)
Zâna: Eu nu pot să te ajut, dar puternicul vrăjitor Merlin poate ! Te voi duce la el.
Omul-şoarece: Oh zână frumoasă, eşti atât de bună! (recunoscător)
Merg prin pădure şi îl întâlnesc pe Merlin.
Merlin: Ziua bună, frumoasă Zână! Ce animăluţ drăguţ ai ! Este al tău?
Zâna: Nu e un şoarece adevărat! Are nevoie de ajutorul tău pentru a-şi recăpăta înfăţişarea de om.
Omul-şoarece: Te rog, vrăjitorule prea-puternic, ai milă de mine, ajută-mă ! Vreau să redevin om ! Toate vietăţile pădurii mă vânează.
Merlin: Vino cu mine, ceea ce îţi voi spune este o mare taină. (Merlin îl ia pe şoarece de-o parte) Te pot ajuta, însă trebuie să faci şi tu ceva pentru mine! Vreau ca Zâna cea bună să se îndrăgostească de mine! Aşadar, dă-i această licoare magică şi va deveni a mea….după care, îţi voi da cealaltă licoare şi vei deveni din nou om. (Merlin are 2 sticluţe în mâini)
Omul-şoarece: Mă învoiesc!
Omul-şoarece se apropie de Zână.
Zâna cea bună: Sunt atât de obosită după ce am umblat atâta prin pădure...te rog adu-mi nişte apă de la izvor!
Omul-şoarece: Bea din sticluţa asta ! Conţine apă proaspătă !
Zâna bea şi adoarme. Apare Merlin.
Merlin: Îţi mulţumesc pentru ajutor! Acum poftim licoarea pentru tine! Te vei transforma în om cât ai bate din palme!
Omul-şoarece: Mulţumesc! (bea)
Dar un lucru nefericit s-a întâmplat: Merlin încurcase sticluţele. Zâna se trezeşte, dar înfăţişarea ei este cea a unui tânăr chipeş, iar şoarecele este cel care se îndrăgosteşte de Merlin...
Amour, jalousie et magie
Amour, jalousie et magie
Auteurs: Teodora, Sourya, Sonia, Brigitte, Samir, Aboubaker
Personnages: Melusine, Arthur, The magic bird, Gargantua.
Epoque: passé
Place: dans un château, dans un jardin
Objets: un miroir
Melusine: longue robe blanche
Arthur: une couronne, une longue cape et une épée (Excalibur)
L’oiseau magique: costume d'oiseau
Gargantua: un costume noir
Sorcière: un costume noir, un balai et un chapeau.
Une sorcière se regarde dans un miroir....
Sorcière: Ooooh, je suis si laide! J'ai un si gros nez et un visage tellement ridé! Je voudrais être jeune et jolie comme Mélusine...mais j'ai un plan...Ha ha ha...
Dans le château, il a un grand mariage...
Arthur: Voulez–vous être ma reine pour toujours?
Melusine:Oui, je le veux!
Gargantua: Maintenant , vous pouvez embrasser votre femme.
Soudain, le sorcière surgit et enlève Melusine!.......
Sorcière: Tu es à moi! Je vais te voler ta beauté et te transformer en sirène! (Et elle l'emmène dans sa chambre)
Melusine: S’il vous plaît, Arthur, aide- moi!
Gargantua: Je connais quelqu'un qui peut nous aider à trouver la sorcière! C'est l’oiseau magique!
Arthur: Bien, allons-y!
Arthur et Gargantua se rendent au château et trouve l'oiseau magique dans son arbre...
Arthur: Nous sommes venus vers vous parce que vous êtes le seul à connaître le chemin vers le château de la sorcière.
L’oiseau magique: C'est sûr! Je connais un raccourci vers le château!
Gargantua: Guide nous!
Quand il arrivent près du château, l'oiseau magique jette un sort à la sorcière mais elle est forte et ses pouvoirs n'ont aucun effet sur elle .
L’oiseau magique: Abracadabra! Que tu dormes pour toujours!
Sorcière: Ha, ha, ha! Ton sort ne peut pas m’atteindre! Je suis trop forte!
L’oiseau magique: Oh non, non, non,!... Seulement Arthur peut tuer la sorcière avec Excalibur, sa chère épée! Vite! Gargantua, utilise ta force pour attraper la sorcière!
Gargantua attrape la sorcière et Arthur la tuera.
Arthur: Ha, ha, ha...vous n'avez plus de pouvoirs maintenant..Affreuse sorcière!
Melusine: Oh Arthur, vous m'avez sauvée. …....
Arthur: Bien sûr ma reine! Je ne permettrai jamais à personne de capturer ma femme!!!
Gargantua: Tout est bien qui finit bien...et maintenant nous pouvons retourner à Camelot et le mariage pourra continuer!
Tout le monde danse et passe un bon moment.
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